If Fiji is part of the travel bubble, some may think that our tourism industry will start up again and kiwis and Aussies will take a holiday. I personally don't feel this will be it. Australians are scared to step out of their own homes let alone get on a plane and fly to Fiji.
Fijian Gov has put all their eggs in one basket, the tourism industry for the last 14yrs. Fair enough, that's where the majority of our revenue comes from, but, they've somewhat put less effort in some other players, sugar and agricultural sectors to name a few.
Moving into the future, we need to make sure that we are reviving our sugar industry and for real this time. We need to make sure that we expand our agricultural sector.

We spent $3billion dollars on roads in the last 6yrs for quite frankly, got nothing to show for it.
Basically, moving out of this pandemic, Fiji needs to look out of just tourism as our holy grail of survival.

Fiji Governments need to be smart with how funds are spent.

Enough looking at only the 4yr terms but look to the future even when you're not there.
That's my 2cent, bye.
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