Malay parenting is something that aku tak ikut sgt bila nak besar kan anak aku. Malay parenting less physical affections. Less I love Yous. Semuanya kena based on apa kau buat rather than direct communication like I love you and I love you too. We were taught to act that way.
Susah nak tetiba jadi loving². Akan jadi awkward. I love Yous banyak dlm msg/card. Kalau ckp depan² takut org igt buang tebiat ke apa. But those r the words aku duk ckp byk kali masa mak aku tenat. 😅😅😅
And I hope my daughter will still hug and throw me w/ kisses and I love/miss Yous sampai aku tua bangka. Huhuhuhuhu.
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