matty healy said the f slur in a song and absolutely nobody is talking about it. you can’t justify “its just cause he was called it he’s quoting his bullies” ITS NOT HIS TO RECLAIM. he has claimed he is straight in the past. so here’s a thread of LGBT charities you can support :)
2. glaad!! as quoted, “GLAAD amplifies the voice of the LGBT community by empowering real people to share their stories, holding the media accountable for the words and images they present, and helping grassroots organizations communicate effectively.” 
4. lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community center!! this place (as quoted) “cares for our individuals and groups in need; educates the public and our community; and empowers our individuals and groups to achieve their fullest potential.” 
lgbtq people have been killed for years and the fact that someone with a large audience has the audacity to say a slur in a song that millions will hear and sing at future concerts.... it’s so fucking sad man
imagine being fired from your job for who you love or what you are. it’s disgusting.
i’m sorry if you stan the 1975 and i’m sorry if you genuinely enjoyed roadkill, i don’t care if you still support them just know what happened was wrong and needs to be fixed. thanks.
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