If you've been following my Twitter TL for the past few weeks, you'll have noticed that I'm bringing a lot of smoke for the #NeverTrumpers...and today I (finally) weighed in on the Biden veepstakes. There is a reason for this...
I'll explain in a second but first a quick question...have you ever been friends with someone who dropped you the minute someone more popular took an interest in them? Have you ever dated someone who was grateful for the benefits of couplehood that you provided while they...
Continued to hold out for someone "better?" Have you ever worked for a boss who openly wished they could find a "better" worker to do your job but refused to fire you because you were adequate?...

This is how I feel certain Democrats view POC (especially black) voters...
The thing is, white supremacy and implicit anti-black racial biases are still a thing in America. Consequently, POC, especially black people, are viewed (and treated as) "low status" individuals, regardless of how useful we might be. Unfortunately, that means that a lot of...
White people aren't eager to be closely associated with blacks or other POC. It also means that, all too often, white people choose to align themselves with other white people--even when it's not in their best interests and even when these white-on-white alliances cause direct...
Harm to POC.

So what does this have to do with Biden and the #NeverTrumpers?
The #NeverTrumpers used to be (and, in many cases, still are) Republicans. The modern GOP very deliberately courted voters whose reactionary attitudes in regards to race, women's rights, LGBTQ equality, etc., reinforced the white patriarchal social structure that keeps likely...
Democratic voters (blacks and other POC, women of all races, and members of the LGBTQ community) down on the social hierarchy. The #NeverTrumpers may hate Trump to the core of their beings but they don't seem to hate the white supremacist infrastructure that made a Trump...
Presidency possible in the first place....
As far as Biden goes...I do NOT believe that Biden harbors consciously racist attitudes. But, like all white people who are born and raised in "AmeriKKKa," he internalized white supremacist thought patterns, thought patterns that sometimes made themselves glaringly obvious...
With his many "gaffes." Remember back in 2008 when he praised Obama for being "clean" and "articulate?" Remember when he bragged about friendships with segregationists like Strom Thurmond? Remember when he said that "poor kids were just as smart as white kids?" Once again...
I don't think Biden is a "burn a cross on a black person's lawn" racist but these "slips of the tongue" indicate that Biden that he hasn't overcome the socialization that many American white people receive in regards to racial differences...
So if you have a group of more or less open white supremacists (the #NeverTrumpers) working to help elect a well-intentioned white man with subtle (and probably completely subconscious) white supremacist biases....
This frightens me. As someone who actually has had friends dump me for not being popular enough, as someone who has had boyfriends refuse to "settle," as someone who has worked for implacable bosses, I fear that the Democratic Party will backburner me (and people like me) to...
In the attempts to woo voters that they (consciously or subconsciously) as "high status." You know, the notoriously fickle suburban white woman they chase every election cycle.
This is why I refuse to get my hopes up in regards to Biden choosing a WOC for VP. The likelihood of these suburban white women turning up their noses at a woman who doesn't look like them seems high, especially when you consider that these suburban white women harbor many of...
Same implicit racial biases that other white Americans have. I fear that the Biden camp will once again prioritize these unreliable "high status" voters over the much more dependable "low status" ones in hopes of an alliance with the Never Trump Republicans.
I hope I am wrong about this. But I just can't shake the feeling that I'm not.
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