Random questions to get you thinking.
A thread:🧸
Comment your answers although everyone is different there is no correct answer. Just argue about it aha.
Does ketchup belong in the fridge or cupboard?
Are Jaffa Cakes, cakes or biscuits?
{some people won’t know what these are oops}
If you dropped soap on the floor is the soap dirty or is the floor clean?
Where do thoughts come from?
Does a person actually have a soul?
Do you believe in astrology?
At what age does a child stop being “innocent”?
Do you believe in Karma?
Do you fear death, and why?
{death is like a huge phobia of mine}
Does modern life give us more freedom or less freedom than in the past?
Is it easier to hate, or to love?
Why do bad things happen to good people?
What does “infinity” even mean?
Is life really better now than it was in the past?
These are just some questions to get you thinking about stuff. Take some time of your hands. Comment so some if you want I like discussions.
You can follow @rasberrhys.
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