here’s one thing that i don’t see anyone talking about:

if you don’t intentionally make space and time for everyone’s voice in video meetings you need to recalibrate immediately. remote only makes it harder for “low visibility” team members to participate.
i can’t tell you how exhausting it is to have meeting after meeting of men talking over me when i am supposed to be presenting, but video call delays don’t allow for the opportunity of a pause. video doesn’t allow for my body language to make it obvious that i am not done yet
i was told over and over by men that i wasn’t speaking up enough, when really i was being spoken over. this is not a unique experience. i actively tried to change this by talking to people, raising awareness of the issue, setting meeting minute schedules. they didn’t stop.
these guys were wonderful to work with individually, and as usual, this kind of issue is not intentional which makes it even more insidious and difficult to deal with. i don’t have any solutions, i never solved this problem. good luck.
one more note: low visibility doesn’t just mean gender like in my example above. beyond normal human feelings, companies should prioritize this issue because it is alienating and impacts teams as a whole when people feel disconnected and excluded. ok bye
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