My mom and her husband just took the boat out on the lake and turned off the engine to be able to hear the frogs and it wouldn't start again and no one could rescue them for 3 hours and they got really bad sunburns
If you're wondering what my childhood was like, she told me that and I was like "YOU DIDN'T HAVE AN EMERGENCY PADDLE?!" and then asked if they thought about swimming for shore pulling the boat with a rope.
She said they hadn't put the emergency paddle in yet bc it was the first boat ride of the season and that they tried putting up the sun shade as a sail but it wasn't windy enough.
every year we need the emergency paddle on the first boat rid of the season, why would this season be different, mom?!
Also i got a rutabaga in the veggie box this week so i made pasties and when i told my mom I was making pasties her first response was "YOU MADE IT WITH RUTABAGA RIGHT?!"

sometimes i am extremely northern michigan lol
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