what’s your favorite stupid unsolicited comment from a non-cosplayer and what were you cosplaying? here’s mine:

“your wig isn’t the right shade of yellow”
Some of my other favorites:
As McCree: “Do you even play Overwatch?”
As Link: “You know he’s not Zelda, right?”
Holy moly this tweet is going places so uh:

- check out my pinned for build guides!
- don’t comment on cosplayers weight, height, or skin tone (?!)
- I am a budding streamer so if you wanna learn cosplay stuff on T/Th with me, give it a follow! http://twitch.tv/lutavia 
You can follow @LutaviaCosplay.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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