Unpacking this a bit more - why have Pakistani efforts to impose costs on India over 370 not gone very far?
1. Above all, it's an uphill climb - India is big and important, and so a long-shot strategy even in the very very best of circumstances. https://twitter.com/pstanpolitics/status/1263215967448031234
2. Domestic illiberalism may impose a "tax" on others' views of India, but ultimately, and bluntly, it's not seen as creating huge externalities for other countries outside S. Asia; perceived as a more limited, regional/national agenda.
3. Pakistan's links w/proliferation and transnational Islamist armed groups is believed to have created problems for other countries, whereas Moditva may be seen as unsavory or condemnable, but ultimately isn't causing big issues for France or Russia or Brazil.
4. The most tractable critique, like it or not, in a lot of Western countries is a narrower human rights framing (compare # of cosponsors of Jayapal vs. Tlaib resolutions in US House) that sidesteps larger questions of geopolitics, much less IK-style rhetoric.
5. You may disagree with all of this, but the burden is to then show evidence that policymakers in other countries view Indian policy as creating risks to their strategic position on a Hitler-esque level (i.e. Japan's or the UK's global posture is undermined by Indian behavior),
as opposed to policymakers in other countries dearly wishing India wasn't prioritizing the greatest hits of Amit Shah but still willing to do business with it, even with extra friction added by the BJP's domestic agenda (i.e closer to Duterte or Bolsonaro than the Nazis).
6. Obviously, and understandably, an unpopular way to look this in many quarters, but perhaps more realistic than believing that the Saudis, Russians, US, Chinese, etc will be swayed by tweets about Hitler and demands for self-determination (not at all a priority for big powers)
7. This doesn't mean there aren't int'l costs to India's behavior, but those costs are more about perceptions of falling short of potential, distracting from priorities other countries care about, democratic backsliding, etc, not about 1939 redux.
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