So good old Karl Rove has betrayed his old mealticket, the Bushes, to bring his trademark compost-mulch-and-sepsis campaign style to Trumpland.
With Rove in the picture, expect Biden to be painted as a lesbian, a pedophile, brain-damaged, Muslim, and the father of John McCain's love child.
Here's one complicating factor: So many GOP dirty tricksters from 2016 are sidelined, muted, convicted, jailed, and deplatformed!
Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, Julian Assange, Mike Flynn.

Michael Cohen, Steve Wynn, Elliott Broidy of the RNC.

Alex Jones, Randy Credico, Jerome Corsi, Milo Yiannopoulos, Infowars, Cambridge Analytica (by that name), even Breitbart. Those Unite the Right murderers from Cville.
...And more I'm forgetting. Oh yeah the Proud Boys. True Pundit or whatever. Bunch of people like George Conway, David Weissman, Anthony Scaramucci and Joe Walsh who were all in or partly in in 2016 and now have switched sides.
Btw "John McCain's love child" is not a throwaway. Rove really did that. (Oh look Rove denies the allegation.)
So the Kremlin is still trying to steal the election for Trump — and @FranklinFoer reports that Putin is well on his way to giving this one to his puppet. Via the VOTING SOFTWARE AND MACHINES. [shudder]
That's the high-level stuff. At least Putin is *probably* not using Fancy Guccifer and Bear this time. But he's got a cast of thousands playing World of Hackcraft.

And down in the American muck Trump now has Karl Rove.
It's going to be a long, hot, plague summer. KEEP YOUR HEAD. You're not back in the rice paddy Napalm of summer 2016. This is a new thing: Rove goofy character assassinations plus the Kremlin's ops with the voting infrastructure.
The key for the media & the public is simple:


No stories called "Biden-McCain lovechild? Experts see both sides." Or ffs "FBI Sees No Clear Links..."

Do we have a deal?! If so, Happy Memorial Day.
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