Warning: this thread may contain upsetting and triggering content.


What is Rape Culture? Rape Culture is an environment in which rape is predominant & in which sexual violence is normalised and pardoned in the media & in popular culture. Rape culture is propagated through the use of misogynistic language, the objectification of women’s bodies,
& the glamorisation of sexual violence, thereby creating a society that disregards women’s rights and safety.Somalia, a nation where sexual predators are encouraged by a frail lawful framework and the disgrace that announcing attacks brings, justice is evasive for young victims.
Examples of Rape Culture:
Blaming the victim (“She asked for it!”), trivialising sexual assault (“Boys will be boys!”),tolerance of sexual harassment, defining “manhood” as dominant and sexually aggressive, defining “womanhood” as submissive and sexually passive
Rape culture is a consequence of remorseless attackers in control, but society, saying “rape is bad” isn't disputed. What IS challenged is what attributes as rape, & what what is considered as abuse.
"In Somalia, rape is "normal". In a nation where 1/3 of the casualties of sexual violations are children, police training and a "zero-tolerance guidelines is the norm what else do we expect?
I want to SCREAM Consent has nothing to do with what someone may or may not be wearing.I remember i was once on bajaj &another Bajaj beside us had female passengers & they seemed like they were going to a party/wedding or simply just wanted to look good for themselves
and the driver chuckles and says "hmm & then they complain when we they are touched or pulled into alleyways. OF COURSE I WAS MORTIFIED by his comments but it's not the first time i am hearing this. I hear it everyday on my way to and from work because i choose to wear makeup.
everyday on my way to work it became a day 2 day recommendation that i ought to wear a niqaab since its the only way it'll halt random men reaching into my bajaj to touch me. I'm asked do you not need them to stop making suggestive comments.. then cover your face .YOU ARE ISSUE.
The thought that clothing may have weight in a discussion regarding sexual attack may sound familiar to you. Statements like "She was asking for it",Well, what were you wearing?"advice that a grown man uttered "Women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimised"
She could be dressed, aged or look like any of these and she will still be in danger. Basically RAPE It's OUR fault girls.
recently i woke up to two brutal cases of rape in Somalia. the news was made more devastating for the fact that both victims were minors. 3 & 4! within the following weeks I watched a recognisable design unfold; public outrage, media craze and guarantees of stricter laws.
The government condemned the abduction and rape of two girls. But in reality rape victims in somalia face significant barriers in their fight for justice, a fight not made easier by unempathetic systems that blame victims for their misfortune.
"The death penalty is easy political candy to hand out to angry and upset citizens, but it’s much harder to work on justice systems that guarantee swift, certain punishment for sexual assault or to limit the violent patriarchies that cause rape in the first place" - Karuna Nundy
In case you’re a data literate citizen, I encourage you to conduct your own data-driven inquiries into issues that affect our civic life. 🥺
How Can Men and Women Combat Rape Culture and Victim Blaming?
Avoid using language that objectifies or degrades women
Speak out if you hear someone else making an offensive joke or trivialising rape.If a friend says they have been raped, take your friend seriously& be supportive
Think critically about the media’s messages about women, men, relationships, and violence.
Be respectful of others’ physical space even in casual situations. Let survivors know that it is not their fault.
Somalia, my people, my friends, let's start talking about uncomfortable subjects. Be an Active Bystander!

Ps. don't get me started on martial rape. SSIIGHHH


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