This is why the country has gone to hell. Look at all the so-called "journalists" in the response who took her story at face value without a simple google search.

A google search reveals a much more cynical and less sympathetic story for her parents.
So, I did go in and check her parents' case and here are some highlights.
On top of this... can a teacher afford this? How much does a teacher make? $35K

If they took half of her salary and $6k on top of it!
It's amazing how uncritical all the blue-checks in the response are!
And yet another lie!

All of the charges were upheld in a preliminary hearing... In the end, her dad decided to plea out in exchange for a lesser charge.
Now extrapolate this behavior to every piece of news you hear....

The teachers were starved!!!!
Another lie! Her parents didn't get a mistrial cause the jury could not come up with a verdict after deliberation.

The jury was dismissed prior to deliberation.
This is such a common migration pattern that the UN had multiple hearings and is now offering guidelines on how recruiting agencies are often responsible for human trafficking.

For more information:
How do we transfer this logic over to her parents?
The ending of her blog is extra disgusting.
This is another case. This lady was also from the Philippines. Notice how her traffickers called ICE on her.

Her traffickers are never ICE target.
Here is the memo the DOJ attorney wrote prior to prosecution.

That's a lot of money from poor teachers
If anyone is having trouble sleeping, check all the civil cases where Omni has been sued.
The grandmother is a US citizen. Dad is a Canadian citizen. Other people have been abused by ICE, but using ICE as a cover when we all know that said parties have called ICE on non-compliant people... is purely disgusting.
Her dad went to NYU.
This is what her dad and grandma pled guilty to and what he pled guilty to contradicts her whitewashing statement.

Her dad and grandma knew that there were no jobs and 8 days later, they still manufactured fake contracts for teachers in the Philippines.
Again, her parents KNEW that the teachers didn't have jobs before they left the Philippines yet they decided to bring them in.... why?

Cause they charged usurious loans for these poor teachers.
And of course we don't know what kind of families they had to leave behind in the Philippines.

(This is an example of a migrant worker)
Grandma's lies.
Once again, on this website, her grandmother in 2001 was caught lying to people about the teachers' salary 
The edit wars are still going on .

Who will win?
It is a bigger problem than we all realize.
Also, it wasn't ICE that targeted her parents. The FBI was tipped off by a very worried priest from the Phillippines.
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