This is @Comcast's 1000mbps/35mbps connection, ladies and gentlemen. And it's been like this for months during the day with no improvements.

100ms+ ping and poor upload translates into multi-second delays in web browsing and typing in, say, an SSH terminal. Literally unusable.
This year's upload speed history so far. The only time it's back to normal is at night.
This is my life now.
Wow @comcast.
It's 2020, and I'm just going to play an online multiplayer game with my <checks notes> 300ms+ ping. Thanks, @comcast!
Comcast? More like Crapcast.
1/ I have a few exciting Comcast/Xfinity-related updates that I'd like to share.

Following my last comment and continuous displeasure with internet service reliability and speeds, I got a call from Comcast's Regional Vice President of Engineering in Northern California.
2/ The VP first addressed the catastrophic internet slowdowns in the recent months and admitted again that their infrastructure in some locations, like our neighborhood in Oakland, has been under tremendous stress and didn't stand a chance against COVID-related WFH.
3/ But @comcastcares already admitted this to me, after weeks of back-and-forth and first attempting to blame various equipment.

I've been asking them about infrastructure upgrade plans and getting nowhere. However, now I had a VP of Eng on the line, and things were different.
4/ The VP said that Comcast has been working on getting the necessary permits to lay fiber deeper into our Oakland neighborhood and split the neighborhood into 2 smaller parts, effectively doubling the capacity and hopefully resolving the strain. ETA is 2-3 weeks, but we'll see.
5/ I then asked him about the possibility of higher upload speeds in the future and my (so far) dashed hopes for fiber in the neighborhood. Outside of Comcast's 1gbps down/35mbps up plans, the only other competition is 50mbps AT&T (and Sonic which uses the same line).
6/ This is where things got interesting. Apparently, Comcast and CableLabs have recently finalized DOCSIS 4.0, and specifically full duplex DOCSIS 4.0 FDX, which will allow symmetric down and up over hybrid fiber coax.
7/ With some infrastructure upgrades (but without having to lay fiber to everyone) as well as firmware updates to the modems (or possibly newer modems, it's not clear yet if existing modems like XB6 will work) Comcast should be able to reach much higher upload speeds than 35mbps.
8/ The current timeline the VP gave me to get DOCSIS 4.0 up and running is 18 months, but who knows if it'll really happen this quickly.

At least now there's light at the end of the tunnel for neighborhoods without any hope for fiber.

More importantly, finally some actual info.
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