Don't mind me, I'm just getting started on #FF7R ...

I know, right? Me, playing a game that came out this year? Well, I could only resist the avalanche of cute fan-art for so long...
Phew; so the NPC named '???' I met early into #FF7R probably wasn't a major character in disguise.


More importantly, I wasn't the only player foolish enough to think this might be the case!
Tifa, please ... I'm not THAT kind of SOLDIER!

Me, every time I've snuck up on a new type of enemy since meeting Chadley:

Cloud just slid down a large pipe, when he could've skated down it on his sword.

0/10, would review bomb again.

My apologies for that angry last comment; I was just a bit annoyed that they removed the "You're the town drunk" option that I never actually picked, but which I appreciated the existence of.

Let's take a moment to commemorate the bumbling but indefatigable Johnny's of Japanese video games! They take a lot of hits, but they always bounce back ... heck, it's like these Johnnys are made of rubber!

How typical it is that my best #FF7R joke wasn't even part of this thread...
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