Corey Stapleton, why are you using a photo from 2013 from inside an El Salvadorian jail to stoke racial division? Oh that's right you do not have real solutions to confront the pandemic and keep people in MT safe and employed. Also check a map Corey a wall is a major issue in MT?
@DarrellIssa running for #CA50 ran an ad using the more infamous image earlier this year in his ad attempting to stoke racial division 👇
Oh and the Trump team also used the exact same image but I mean Trump has a complete failure of a pandemic response to distract form with millions out of work and tens of thousands dead - what we need is unoriginal racial division in the form a 7 yr old photo from outside the US
But the thing is, this particular racial dog-whistle around these images is as unoriginal as it is a loser:
Republican Rod Blum tried out this dog-whistle in IA-01 and lost reelection to Dem. Abby Finkenauer. Blum lost by 5 points in 2018 after he won in 2016 by 7 points. 12 points flip doest seem like a winner to me.
And the GOP in VA really has had a hard time coming up with a new and winning strategy in the last few years cause they tired the same dog-whistle with the same img in 2017 and also lost then. I know you are stuck in a cycle of racial division but maybe try real solutions instead
I mean do you all like have meetings were your coordinate your xenophobia or are you all just lazy and copy each other's dog-whistle politics. I know finding real solutions to the problems Americans face is hard and copying racial division well that's easy ...
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