Years ago, I lost my younger sister. She was brutally burnt by her then boyfriend. This morning I passed the house she once lived in, my mind went back to that fateful morning of 22 Feb. Being called from office rushing to find you loved one in pain
Screaming uncontrollable, my heart stopped seeing her flesh leaving her body. Set her on the lawn, trying to cool her off with a towel while a neighbor calls for help. That scene still haunt me
I kept asking her what happened,, I was crying, I asked God to not let her die. She's the only person who calls me big brother "The Gee" she called me. At the same time my mind thought of my ailing parents, who do I call first, my brother or sisters.
Leaving behind a 5 year old daughter. Sequence of events that followed after her passing, and after her funeral. God my heart died within that 5 years. My parents took a knock from that. My dad died from depression my mum died after a year.
Two years ago, ran into the bf in town. He thought I'll attack him, but I reached out my hand and greeted him with a smile. Mum taught us that it's through forgiving that you find your healing. The burden of hate will wear you down.
Upon my parent's arrival we went to go see a Dr who told us how severe she was burnt 90 degree burn, chances of her surviving are zilch he said frankly. I could see how strong mum was strong compare to both me and dad...she took off the covers on her and kissed her forehead.
She was awake but heavily dozed, couldn't talk. I held on to her hand asked if she could hear me. She squeezed, I was excited. I cried not knowing when I leave that would be our last conversation. On the 27th she succumbed to her injuries. At the age of 25
The news traveled fast,, when we get home there were people already waiting to find out, what happened. First thing my dad said was "Where's your gun" , the old man wanted blood spilled. My mom said let's pray. I felt God and Ancestors at the same time.
The strong woman who held us together. Two tears later in 2014 September 16 on his birthday turning 50 my brother died in a car accident on his way to fetch his son from cricket match
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