How would you describe your core identity?

If none of these options suffice, would you say that your core identity is more distinct, separate, individual, hierarchical, or universal, connected, collective, egalitarian?

Just curious about the foundations of Nth level identities.
This is a thought experiment which is essentially about understanding the role of identities (core and Nth) in narrowing our circles of compassion.

It tends to be that people treat those they see most like themselves as being more worthy of moral consideration than others.
I suggest, that as core identity becomes more differentiated it erodes moral consideration, and exacerbates divisiveness.

This is because most people are driven by varying degrees of herd mentality.

Perhaps acknowledging Nth would be much simpler if we shared the same core?
As moral consideration tends to be highest among those who share core identities, and drops off faster than the inverse square law for Nth identities, then if we sort from inclusive to exclusive, that could result in the more universal moral consideration.
Whereas sorting our identities from exclusive to inclusive, would likely continue to exacerbate all the various forms of prejudice and discrimination.

Perhaps a way in which we can begin to alleviate the xenophobia, is by emphasizing and choosing a more inclusive core identity?
Of course it would be much easier if more people were less fearful, and not only respected diversity, but agreed that it makes the world far more interesting and alive, but since that's not the case, perhaps we could try a different strategy as we work toward equality?
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