are you questioning what you're hearing on repeat? slogans are specifically designed to alter & steer behaviour, aka mind control. are you catching the war lingo of “hero”, “battle”, “the fallen doing their duty”? phrases like “stay at home, protect the NHS, save lives”

“celebrate the (key workers) killed on the front lines". securitization is a political tool used to condition people into accepting military options that would normally be
unacceptable. this is how “lock-down” turns into curfew & “quarantine” moves into martial law.

governments frequently use war imagery in response to undesirable things, primarily it’s to deflect from the truth/their failings while programming people into believing prioritising their health & safety is selfish.

remember the “war on terror”, the “war” against drugs & poverty etc? this conveys feelings of extreme “threat” & garners public support willing to do whatever it takes, even if that's against all morals & civil liberties.

through this “fight against” the “enemy” of COVID-19 we’ve seen leaders suggest that hundreds of thousands must die for the greater good. the Nazis also used this tactic to cover abuses by the State with the slogan, “it’s for your safety”.

i feel that “clapping for our NHS” & the constant thanking them “for their sacrifice”, is a giant cover up of the fact that most have been forced to work with little to no PPE & hundreds have died as a result.

yes they absolutely should be honoured, but let’s not be distracted away from the truth that these deaths were avoidable & this was corporate manslaughter.

then there’s the minute’s silence, a tribute related to war & NOT a virus.

all of this msging is debt making (guilt manipulation), it primes ppl into a sense of owing. this is used to override personal judgement & bypass boundaries by making people feel ‘bad’ for not being grateful enough evidenced by the return of some gesture

- predatory grooming

so if they refuse to work in unsafe conditions they then become social pariahs for not being a “team player” willing to "sacrifice" themselves or “risk their lives”.

peep the programme.

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