When your friends make vtube avatars so you obviously want to make one too for when you stream and don't want to wear makeup... So now... how do I convert Vroid to just be me while I stream? lol Thank you @ZaloraSilver for showing me this program!
I added bones to the hair cause who wants stiff hair? lol
Went to save my textures and accidentally saved it all as a model.. needless to say my mode came back purple.. aka I fucked up a couple hours of work and need to start from scratch in blender tomorrow. LOL goodnight šŸ˜‚
I had to start over. Lmfao!
Iā€™d stream this but this is my first time and I do not ant to get judged šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
Where did I go wrong... Iā€™m so tired lmfao I need a break
Imma be real.. I did all this work on my second model and just went right back to my original one.. THREE DAYS LATER LOL
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