The Bianca Saga: From Miss SA To MisShameful SA📲 [Thread]
Standby for the next episode of #MbaliyezweThreaductions. The following episode has an age restriction of 18LBRF, as it contains scenes with strong language, body shaming, racism and files. Viewers discretion is advised.
When Miss SA announced the opening of #MissSA2020 entries a week ago and after current Miss Universe, Zozibini Tunzi, won South Africa and the universe's hearts; it was expected that the road to Miss SA would not be easy this year. Zozi's successor has a cosmic crown to fill.
Many hopeful entrants flooded the timeline with #MissSA2020 entry videos & media shots. One of them was, Bianca Schoombee. She started out as a small account & as soon as she posted her entry & spiritual tweets, many people supported her - saying she had a chance to be chosen.
No one was prepared for what Lola would unearth after scrolling through Bianca's timeline last night. She tweeted a screenshot thread of Bianca's old tweets.
Bianca's tweets contained everything from body shaming to swearing to racism and it seems, fortune telling.
Black Twitter was a mess after Lola's thread.
Some did try to justify Bianca's tweets as old tweets, others brought up Lola's old tweets as well and many joked about the situation.
Experienced tweeps predicted that Bianca would tweet a Notes apology in the morning.
Early in the morning, Empress Ree, confirmed that in fact Bianca was a racist in real life as she was in the the same grade with her in high school. She mentioned that Bianca and crew had even used the K-word on black pupils, often looking down on them.
Bianca tweeted an "apology" early in the morning, which was later deleted. More than an hour later she, as predicted by nightshift Twitter, posted a Notes apology saying she had forgiven herself for hurtful tweets. Twitter was busy with comments.
Black Twitter was not having her apology and the replies piled up under her apology tweet, with many telling her that she was not really sorry.
"Ti ti ti ti..."🎶
Ad break: "Struggling with hatred, a dirty tongue and racism? Sanitize🧴Sanitizer kills most germs, maybe it can clean a hateful heart too. You'll be as clean as a prayer."
"Ti di di di di..."🎶
Bianca's agency soon tweeted on behalf of their client, stating that the tweets were 6 years old and that they stood by her no matter what, even tagging the Miss SA account.
People were not impressed with the Sync Models agency that represents Bianca and were not afraid to voice their thoughts. All the replies that did not agree with their their thread statement were sent to Hidden Replies by the agency's admin.
Flo Letoaba joined the chat and questioned Sync Models' statement. While at it, she fetched Bianca for using age as an excuse and questioned how she would represent South Africa with bad grammar and spelling.
Soon #BiancaMustFall was trending and many reported Bianca's account for racism. It was not long before she deactivated as the movement gained momentum throughout the day.
Bianca's agency later deleted the thread & tweeted that she had decided to withdraw her #MissSA2020 entry. Later in the afternoon they tweeted a typed statement reiterating that they were still supporting their client & that she was withdrawing her entry because of the backlash.
In the afternoon, the Miss SA CEO, Stephanie Weil, released a media statement about their terms for entrants and told journalists that they would speak to the media on Thursday.
The Black Twitter outrage continued throughout the day, with some even tagging the Miss SA account asking if Bianca's behaviour was acceptable.
Some well-known South African personalities, including Somizi and Prince Kaybee, voiced their opinions on the matter. The message was clear: racism is not acceptable. Lola clarified that she didn't hunt for Bianca's tweets, she just took screenshots.
Coconut Kelz shook some feathers with a satire video:
Some joked that Zozibini Tunzi should be Miss SA forever and that the other hopeful entrants were probably busy deleting tweets, some said Bianca would soon be on Huis Genoit. Bianca's translator disappeared.
Many tweeps made fun of Bianca's dead #MissSA2020 career.
Will Bianca and her agency ever apologize sincerely? What other characters and true colours will lockdown reveal? Will Miss SA cancel Bianca after she canceled herself? Find out on the next episode of #MbaliyezweThreaductions...
Previously on #MbaliyezweThreaductions...
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