The thing is, because of no longer being able to work due to my safety net of my former boss laid off and even his girlfriend who works at the hotel as a manager is demoted to part time and is applying for unemployment benefits, it's a clear sign I'm not going to make it
So, ultimately even with donated money or even a stimulus check, it's evident i can't afford to live in Arkansas anymore. Not helped by the temp home my boss set me up in has people who don't wash their hands or clean up after themselves much.
So, I need to live in with somebody I trust to take me in. I'm desperate, I need to survive, I need help. Please, if there's anybody who could take me in. Please! I know it's the pandemic but what choice do I have? I'm willing to move to another state and respect space and all.
I'm begging, please help. If you're somebody I can trust, please take me in.
And if there any takers, I'll do cleaning in return for somebody I live with and I admit being autistic so I'll need help job searching especially when this pandemic is over.
And like I said, I'm willing to travel to another state. I can do simple jobs like organizing and set up like at a library for example or a host.
And also because if my autism. I'm also willing to apply for disability benefits in another state as well should somebody take me in.
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