The thing you need to understand about incels is that it’s not outrage because of a lack of sex, love, attention, or affection.

The incel “movement” is fundamentally characterizable rage against an inability to dominate, control, and hold power over women.
It’s easy to deride incels as losers who can’t get laid, but in doing so we take the core of their deception at face value.

Incels don’t want to get laid. They want supremacy ovet women.

They believe they have a birthright to power.
Killing is the ultimate expression of power. So incels will always tend towards a path that involves murder and terror.
Incels believe they are entitled to women’s bodies, their lives, and the positions they hold. Moreover, they frame other men as undeservedly occupying those positions of power they feel are due to them. They see other men as competition.
But what’s perverse about this is that they see their chief competition as other men who act similarly to themselves. They hate, but are not threatened by, men who have more egalitarian views on gender.

They are threatened by men who don’t.
So incel violence is a manifestation of a power struggle: to hold power *over* women by seizing power *from* other men.

Nowhere in their narrative is the possibility that a woman could be empowered.
Incels are a particularly vile form of violent extremists particularly because of these dynamics. They will expend the target of their hate (women) in a power struggle against the target of their derision (other men). It a bit unlike many other forms of structural hate.
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