Soo... Judge Contreras’ wife working for Treasury - the group that unmasked & disseminated General Flynn - is one thing, but my bigger concern is... who in the hell did Contreras buy his DC home from?

Family has European-names, except for this cat - lives in AZ now.
1. Who is he? 2. How did he get here?

I’ll tell you now that he has significant ties to Saudi, so that was prob country of origin.

But what is his tie w/family that sold the house to Rudy? Is he a Green Card holder, or what?

... and what is his business in AZ?
The guy has a rap sheet that shows multiple charges (pleas) for forgery - that isn’t exactly a ‘game’ that people accidentally find themselves in.

And an over-priced property that he bought?!? It was sold by the same person THREE TIMES on the same day!

Weird, huh?
Not joking - look it up yourself. if anything, I’m grossly understating...

I wanna know how he got here, bc I wanna know why he wasn’t shipped out for crimes.

I also wanna know if this Free Syrian Army fighter is a reference to him.

Who the fuck is this guy; why’s he in AZ?
Some of us have known that the problems on the border are a lot more sinister than what is (simply) known as Operation Fast & Furious...

We have known Islamic Radicals were working both sides of the border.

Is that what we’re looking at?
Talal, if you are around and care to comment... please do.

I’m tough, but fair - your situation seems very bizarre... so I’ll ask you (direct) for comment.
@FBIPhoenix @FBI @ATFPhoenix @ATFHQ

Is this guy on your radar?

@USTreasury: Maybe you wanna look into the property that he bought (AZ) that was “sold” 3 times (by same person) on the same day he bought it?

How does that work out?
@ATFPhoenix - How is the WALL going?

A lot of time/effort/money being spent on the WALL - no small investment, but it’s for our protection?! 🤔
@lopezobrador_ - If you see this dude, or others like him, sniffing around in your country, let me know.

We’ll clean this mess up together.
@KingSalman - I know that you have been busy cleaning up corruption in KSA - congratulations on your progress!

FYI: ‘Talal’ *might* aka as ‘Mohammed al Sagheer’ in your Kingdom.

Pretty close match on pictures, but unconfirmed.

🇸🇦 💪🏻 🇺🇸
Is Talal as ‘snitch’, @EricHolder?

I recall all of those hearings - which included whistleblowers, leaderhip, etc - but what NO ONE seems to acknowledge is how the agency snitches were the ones carrying out the corruption.

... is that how he gets away w/these stunts?
I’m told there was a triple informant (FBI/ATF + DEA) at the scene of Brian Terry’s death - got a new name & lives ~ 30 mins away, even today.

... heard he was ‘whisked away’ from the scene.

Word is, he’s still active.
To be clear, I’m not saying Talal was *that* snitch - I’m asking if he is one!

There are no secrets - everyone knows the game!
Miss @lombardo1811 - these are challenging times, but I believe in you!

We’re all in this together.

I’m just getting started, Miss Leanne!

... there is plenty in this thread to warrant a response from those ‘obligated’ to respond. It is all quickly/easily verifiable!

And there is a lot more, all within arms-reach - we’ll see what happens.
As anyone with ‘obligations’ can see, it’s not like I’m some Spring Chicken!

... in this example (below) I was trolling @EricHolder in Jan 2019 about ‘notes’ that weren’t even confirmed until just recently!
It’s my hope that they welcome the info I provide them...
With that, until next time, I’ll leave y’all with a song...

🔊 “Who's usin' who?
What should we do?
Well, you can't be a pimp
And a prostitute too”

Icky Thump

By: The White Stripes

Quick Update for all of the “problem children” scrolling through this thread:

#1. I see you! 😘

#2. Your work is extremely sloppy; surpassed only by your arrogance

#3. You incapable of imagining the amount/type of ‘good guys’ watching this thread & watching you.
I’m serious - you really won’t be able to imagine who’s watching! 😂

These wheels have been quietly turning for a long time.

It’s not conjecture when I’m putting actual evidence right here in the open...
PS: A little 🐦 told me that some have already already been doing this, but for the others (that still can)...

“Wash Your Hands!”

A little bit of soap goes a long way!

People run their mouths about ‘bringing receipts’...

Not me - I bring Literal. Fucking. Receipts. 😆

(Wash Your Hands, Savages!)
@RussiaInUSA - We all have our differences... but not long ago @POTUS showed Grace and supplied y’all with intel that helped foil a terrorist plot.

I’m asking for a favor: Get with your amigo (Assad) and see if this dude was hovering around Syria?
It could go a long way with our public, you know... if you were to demonstrate that despite our many differences, we share some common goals... and can/do work together on some fronts.

If this idiot was involved in ‘supply chains’ from Arizona to Syria, I’d like to know.

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