31 days of Gemini.
One fun fact about Gemini
One not-so-fun fact about Gemini
One I-didn't-see-it-coming fact about Gemini.

Every day.
For Gemini: reply me stating your birthday before your birthday so I mention you a happy birthday tweet on your birthday.

Sebuah thread.
Day 1:
Fun fact about #Gemini
Conversing. A Gemini will never run out of topics. You don't have to worry that there will be an awkward moment when you're with a Gemini, unless you force it to be awkward. Most Gemini can talk a little about everything, even things they don't know.
Day 1: Not-so-fun fact about #Gemini
Scattered brain. Even though they are known for their eloquence in figure of speech, they can not grab a topic tightly. Don't fret if they suddenly bring up Cars newest story idea when you are conversing about Trump's status quo. It's natural.
Day 1: Oh-I-didn't-see-that-coming fact about #Gemini
Ghosting. They didn't really ghost on you. They're still around and checking you out once in a while, merely to see whether you lose interest in them. The fact didn't matter though. When they care they care. Vice versa.
Happy birthday to @MizzKriwil. You are a proud #Gemini despite the bad reputation we carry and that's a good thing.

I hope you are happy with what you achieve and don't lose your way in conceiving what you wish to reach. The world is vast and yet you are small. Be brave.
Day 2:
Fun fact about #Gemini
Ambition. Most of us are overachiever. At least, when we started. We set target a little above Aries and certainly, a lot more than we can accomplish. If we maintain the mood throughout the process, we will prevail. But in most cases, we got bored.
Day 2:
Not-so-fun fact about #Gemini
Mood swing. Most of the time, we tend to appear as if we are Luna Lovegood on Prozac. We always see silver lining on a dark cloud.
But when we're down we got real down. And at these moments, none of what you say will get through. We're doomed.
Day 2:
Oh-I-didn't-see-it-coming fact about #Gemini
We look though but we are actually not. We act like asshole merely to appear badass. So that noone will hurt us. There are times, you know, when we sulk. It is when we need hug the most. We are indeed just a little kid inside.
Day 2: Noone in my timeline seem to be born on May 22, so I would like to extend my birthday greetings to Endy Arfian, @ardhitoprmn, @NaomiCampbell, Suho @weareoneEXO.
MAY the rest of your life be as bright and shiny as it can possibly be.
So yeah, I would send you the best prayer on your birthday if you just tell me on the reply. And tag you with as many celebrity as I know having the same birthday. Cheers, #Gemini rules the world, but too lazy to reply your message.
Oh I have a follower on a birthday today. @bsyukurr, Happy Bling-bling birthday! I wish you the best of what life can give. Hopefully, the token of welfare will be reinstated in your hand in this difficult times.
Happy Birthday juga buat @arasshia. Semoga diberi keberkahan di masa sulit ini yes. Satu hal yang perlu kamu ingat: apapun yang kamu hadapi kamu takkan pernah sendiri. Seberat apapun itu, teriaklah, biar dunia tahu perjuanganmu.
Day 3:
Fun fact about #Gemini
We laugh at our own stupidity. We did stupid thing in purpose so that other people have something to laugh at. Reason of which is because we do not know how to joke with wordplay, however we love it. So, yeah, slapstick will go a long way.
Day 3:
Not-so-fun fact about #Gemini
We do not appreciate being made fun of. The only person allowed to make fun of us is us. We will laugh at it though, but on the inside we bear grudge towards you. We will remember it forever. Not the joke. But the way it made us feel.
Day 3:
Oh-I-didn't-see-it-coming fact about #Gemini
Despite the fact that we appreciate the gesture people make to surprise us on our birthday, we don't particularly like surprises when we're the subject. We'd spend hours just to think about how the surprise could've been better.
Day 3: Happy wonderful birthday to my friend @gembrit. Hopefully, there will no more cold coffee this time. I hope you achieve whatever it is you want to achieve. You're one of the most consistent Gemini I've known to portray both the bitch and the angel side gracefully.
Selamat ulang tahun @kuku_mein. Kita ga pernah ketemu dan kita ga begitu kenal. Tapi aku tahu, di suatu dimensi lain mungkin kita sahabat karib. Semoga hari ini adalah hari bahagia buat kamu. Semoga semua harapanmu terkabulkan dengan cara yang kamu mau. #Gemini
Hey happy birthday there @jeweljk, @naymirdad, @NissaSabyan, Ramzi, Sahrul Gunawan. It's getting merrier by the day. I wish you all a great Gemini year despite the graveness that we're in.
Day 4:
Creativity. Typical Gemini can think about 15 topics in one go. You can always depend on them for an out-of-the-box idea source. Be it an artistic session or academic breakthrough or merely political discussion, we can always come up with fresh outtake of insights.
Day 4:
Finishing things. Geminis rarely finish what they start. It's not that they're lazy or exhausted, but more like because we already see what it's like in the end of a project that we discard it. We recognize failure a mile off. We identify success even farther. And then
Day 4:
Oh-I-didn't-see-it-coming fact about #Gemini
Extroversion. We do not particularly love to be around people. Especially when we are not on the spotlight. Basic reason we need other people is for audience to listen to our blabbering. Or just as background of our petty lives.
Happy birthday to the Max to @mmmiia @indykindi, anaknya @dnlatifah, dan @__wiwid24. May the day, which by the way, intercepting Lebaran, be as beautiful as it may be. And all of your wishes will eventually take turns to reality. Love you all. Stay healthy.
Let me extend my congratulation for the birthday of Feby Febiola, Ray Stevenson, John C Reilly, Annisa Trihapsari, dan Alfred Molina. Stay alive. Stay shining. You guys are stars.
Hey guys. It's day 5 into the Gemini and we're getting anxious to discover all about Gemini.
Day 5
Fun fact about Gemini
Gemini loves challenges. True challenges. Something that they're not sure to be able to do. They would learn new fact about things, new languages, new ways to do something. If you said that they cannot do something, they will be triggered. Easily.
Day 5
Not-so-fun fact about Gemini
Kalau Gemini lagi sakit, mereka cenderung mandiri. Bisa merawat diri sendiri, istirahat, patuh sama perintah dokter, dll. Tapi kalo ada orang lain yg 'dekat', mereka menjelma manja dan rewel. Semua saran dokter ditantangin. Pokoknya ngerepotin.
Day 5
Oh-I-didn't-see-it-coming fact about Gemini
Meskipun mereka supel dan mudah akrab dengan orang lain, nama adalah sesuatu yang sukar untuk mereka ingat. Sudah begitu, gengsi pula mau nanya. Dia akan terus ngobrol seolah ingat sama kamu, padahal ya ini sambil ngingat2 juga.
Happy brainy birthday to Baxo Tahu Ungaran @Detrackzone.
Jangan pernah takut menjadi orang yang tidak dihargai. Karena yang ngasih price tag buat diri kamu ya kamu sendiri. Semangat terus menjalani asmara yang ga tahu ada di mana. Semoga lebaranmu indah seperti zodiakmu.
Happy birthday @kangtjoek. Mungkin hari ini selow, tapi kita berdua tahu, kamu sedang nerayakannya ga diam-diam. Kita cuma bisa berdoa terbaik dan caper di temlen biar bisa diucapin selamat ulang tahun.
Happy birthday to Atiek CB, @cillianmurphy, @jaehee, @MsLaurynHill, @morganoey, dll. I wish all you Geminis can rule the world this month. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Happy lonely birthday @BonIverA3. I don't know your reason for not following anyone else. But it hurts to realize you are not following me. Sad. Tapi booooong...

Be happy bro/sis. It takes no rules to be happy. Be free. Once again: have a blasting birthday!
Day 6:
Fun fact about #Gemini
Gemini ga suka ribet. Jangan nanyain hal-hal rumit yang lebih mudah kamu putuskan sendiri. Apalagi sampai ngejar jawaban. Jangan. Gemini lebih bisa menerima apapun keputusan u daripada harus mengambil keputusan sendiri yang nantinya kanu ga setuju.
Day 6
Not-so-fun fact about #Gemini
Indecisive. Gemini dikenal dengan plin plan kan? Let's take it to the next level. Untuk mandi aja, Gemini akan membuang-buang waktu memutuskan kapan waktu sempurna melakukannya. No. Bukan malas. Bukan menunda. Tapi mencari kesempurnaan waktu.
Day 6:
Oh-I-didn't-see-it-coming fact about Gemini
Repetition. Gemini mungkin suka mengulangi cerita tanpa sadar, tapi dia ga suka kalo ada orang yang menceritakan sesuatu yang sudah pernah didengarnya. Dia akan ga sabar dan berkata, "yaelah, udah lu ceritain kali".
Selamat ultah @AHMADDHANIPRAST, Dea Ananda, @HelenabonhamC, @kikifarrel, @LennyKravitz, @jerryaurum, dan Ronal Surapraja. I don't have much to say, but the best wishes to all of you. Kisses and hugs.
Day 7
Fun fact about #Gemini
(OMG I got really bored doing this)
Falling in love. Ketika Gemini jatuh cinta, mereka benar-benar jatuh cinta. It will be all about the person they love. Gemini bisa sampai bikin cerpen, puisi, lukisan tentang siapa yang dicintainya.
Day 7
Not-so-fun fact about #Gemini
Relationship maintenance. Gemini jarang merasa bahwa tugasnyalah menjaga hubungan. Bagaimanapun, mereka memang melakukan perjuangan terpisah dengan cara mereka. Tapi, ya, sebagai pasangan, harusnya Kalian lah yang menjaga agar mereka ga bosen.
Day 7
Oh-I-didn't-see-it-coming fact about #Gemini
Replying. Gemini bukan sengaja lama-lama membalas chat kalian. Bukan. Alasannya mungkin karena mereka tidak memiliki kalimat pamungkas supaya kalian tidak melanjutkan chat berjam-jam. They must always have the last say.
Selamat ulang tahun ya @bubuisheree. Jangan suka ngambek lagi untuk sesuatu yang bahkan kamu sendiri ga ingat besoknya. Baek2 sama lingkungan. Kurang2i manipulasi perasaan. Be the best version of you?! *kisses*
Happy birthday @anggishafi dan @gituamat.
Memang jarang yang lahir an tanggal 27 Mei. Tapi aku yakin kalian yang jarang ini pasti menang fabulous. Satu doa buat kalian: semoga terlepas dari permasalahan cicilan lebih dini nantinya. Selamat datang di dunia orang dewasa.
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