Racist white institutions operating in predominantly black communities will likely have:
1. 90% white executives. Key positions especially those dealing with finances, projects, talent management are occupied by the Jacos and Koekemoers of this world
2. The two most crucial positions, even at executive levels, because of their close proximity to the general public (black) and the workers in that institution at entry levels (blacks) are Human Resources and Public Relations Practitioners. These positions are given to blacks
3. These ack colleagues are well paid (not as well as their white counterparts) at the same job grading... But they are close enough. They are put there as a shield... They are there to protect white egos and segregation
4. HRP are paid well to hide and keep salaries as secretive as possible. This is important because Jaco, an intern(ND. UCT) is earning 18k and Tangeni (B.SCIE) Is earning 17k... It is important that this I for does not leak in anyway
5.HRPs are paid well, in case a black worker starts to complain about the racist environment... The black HRP will have to deal with them( as instructed by Jan de Klerk and Mr Oosthuizen). So it is seen as black on black hate... A farce, a lie.
6. If a worker falls off a ladder while on duty, or injures himself cos of lack of proper adherence to set safety standards... The black Pro have to explain to the media, a black face will be the one to answer the media... "Tangeni jou mense is nog hier, praat met hulle."
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