for every 1 design done from 8 designs left i need to do for my thesis i will post a picture of super sonico aka my wife of 8 years
1/8 DONE!! 3 pages of website i have to do 7 more stuff
2/8 ok it was a smaller one but i hate doing 15 designs but here's my wife writing her essay about biodiversity in the pacific ocean!!!
3/8 slower progress bc i had to fix another design >_>
4/8 not sure if my progress makes sense but ah alright

(love this image so much though)
5/8 man i just made the worst design i've

i just wanna go to a date with my wife!!
(im gonna turn this thread into "for every big progress i've made")

so today my dospem asked me to do revisions so i did revisions, every revision i made = 1 pic of sonico
55% of 80% - revision DONE!!
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