I've been thinking how there are multiples definitions to stress.

All meaningless without some kind of context, of course.

Starting with the occurrence of stress in the human body.
The first notion being that everything that touches or moves your body induces biological stress even if you interpret it as a positive and enjoyable experience.
Air passing over your body induces stress. Breathing clean air induces stress and expels stress waste.

Sitting in the sun, synthesizing Vitamin D, induces stress. Smiling, peeing, eating, hugging, etc.
Even Qi Gong is stress inducing and someone else projecting their heart-centered love energy upon you is biological stress inducing for both parties.
Basically, all forms of biological processes consumes energy, material, nutrients and results in a biological waste product.

That being said, let's add some more context...
Beneficial Stress vs. Detrimental Stress, which is where the individual benefits more than they lose from stress.

Consider the extremes.
Laughing is healing medicine, yet more is stressful than smiling and can sometimes even be exhausting.

A hard workout is very stressful, but done for the benefit of athletic development and physical/mental health.

Eating too much over stresses the digestive system.
Intermittent fasting and food restriction close to starvation might be more stressful, but is also more beneficial to health, as well as growth stimulating.

So stress must be observed in context of wanted or unwanted as determined by attitude of the individual dealing with it.
Now then two forms of Neurological Stress are as follows:

Cortisol, Dopamine, Norepinephrine, Epinephrine, Glutamate.

And biowaste oxidation from breakdown of neurotransmitters. Acidic/inflammatory waste.
Now then, the Biochemical Stress Eliminator is Proper GABA Function as it counters all the perceived negative stress states which are tension inducing from cortisol, dopamine adrenaline, glutamate.
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