pls read. I promise I’ll try n make this quick
first & foremost I wanna say tysm to everyone who’s offered me so many words of encouragement when I’m truly just a stranger to all of u on here. I appreciate how many of you have my back regardless of that
regarding my art, I’m sorry that I didn’t disclaim my work process, and I understand ppl will have their say of the matter, whether or not I defend myself. & like I’ve mentioned, I truly just don’t have the mental capacity to go thru all that rn so I just want to make this thread
Charlie ( @saltyghost_ACNH) was kind enough to suggest that since my linework is not at all original, that I should start calling my commissions *colouring commissions* & if I ever decide to open them again, I will absolutely keep that in mind
it was never and will never b my intention to drive traffic away from other artists who do commissions, and I’m sorry if I have unknowingly made some feel that way
ACNH is my first AC game aside from pocket camp that I played for 3 days and quickly gave up on, so I admit I don’t have a clear grasp of how to truly make any AC art “my own”
I would hate for ppl to think that bc I got called out on my unoriginal art, that I’m not a “real artist” bc I do truly take pride in the original work that I’ve done in the past, and I’m sure will continue to make in the future
I’ve been thinking of ways to turn this situation around, because it’s all I can do at this point. so with that said, for the meantime I will be sticking to other fan art and my original pieces, and stay away from any ACNH art. below I’ll provide some of my previous work
here’s some of the pieces I have available via my Society6 store. by no means am I saying to now start buying my art. I just want to put this out there bc these are pieces I can truly call my own. fan art or not fan art. 
I think it also goes without saying, but I’m gonna be taking a much needed break from AC twitter, and if you’re still here reading, thank you for hearing me out <3
You can follow @leslie_crossing.
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