hi ya'll, ik i said i'd be taking a day off from twitter today, but i just had to address this. as some of you may know, out here in the twitter world there is a lot of giveaways being hosted with certain rules, such as: "Follow Me, Like The Tweet," etc. and, that is fine, (1/?)
however, recently i have seen some people abuse this power in order to gain popularity on this website. people like @MrScreamzAlot have been doing this. how do ik this? well, here's a few examples.
1. all his group funds are private, even though he sends pictures of large (2/?)
amounts of robux being transmitted to his members.
2. his roblox group has no items in their store, and he has no games to have possibly earned him that much robux.
3. he hosts giveaways almost everyday. idk about anyone else, but those are reasons enough to be suspicious. (3/?)
ofcourse, there are other people out there, not just this person in particula, but the whole reason i created this tweet is to spread awareness. yes, yes, ik everyone really wants to earn robux, but unfortunately there are just some people that refuse to play fair. (4/?)
you can't trust everyone you meet on the internet, that's for sure, but most giveaway hosts stay true to their word. however, i refuse to stand by and watch people do all this stuff to promote a basic scammer. so, in order to stay s a f e, here are some things to watch for: (5/?)
1. do they provide proof of actually giving robux to the winners of previous giveaways?
2. do they have proof of how they got all that money?
3. do they even SEEM trustworthy? (go with your gut!!)

with that out of the way, i think this thread has come to an end (6/?)
for now, but, if there are any other scammers out there, let me know. remember to keep safe ;w; (7/7)

you can also DM me if you want to talk in private! .v.
You can follow @RagingRanboo.
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