Sadaqa 101:

It is prohibited for a Sayed to accept sadaqa from a non-Sayed.

A Sayed can give sadaqa to a Sayed and a Non-Sayed.

For poor/needy Sayeds, Allah has reserved the rights for them in taking from khums - known as ‘Sehm’ Sadat’ (conditions apply).
Khums 101:

Khums literally means ‘one fifth’- religious tax divided into 2 parts - Sehm’ Imam and Sehm’ Sadat.

Sehm’ Imam is rightfully given to the Imam, but in his absence, it is given to his deputies/Marja’a Taqleed. This money is distributed for religious/social purposes.
Sehm’ Sadat is the second half portion of Khums which is given to Sayeds. Typically those who are needy, orphans, stranded travellers or facing hardships. This share is dependant on clauses (refer to your marja’a for enquiry).
Feel free to point out if I have missed something out or made an error. Just a reminder for all with it being the season of giving charity and fundraising.
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