"left unity" is such a tired trope but like can we just have little a *leftist* unity? as a treat? can we keep the infighting for AFTER the overthrowal of capitalism? can we? please?
like listen. socialism is what does actually unite us. communism is a subsection of socialism. leninism, trotskyism, maoism, etc etc, are a few subsections of communism. can't we just like. deal with one section at a time.
like?? idk. am i stupid for saying this? or ignorant? is it 1.20am that i am posting political takes? i only know the answer to that last one
like you're all just screaming about theory. stalin was right about this, mao was wrong about this, trotsky was a hero, trotsky was a coward, bLAH BLAH BLAH. WHEN ARE YOU ACTUALLY ORGANISING THIS "REVOLUTION" YOU KEEP TALKING ABOUT!!! WHERE ARE THE ACTION PLANS!!!!
this is a callout post to fellow middle class people. it doesn't do anybody any good for us to be just ranting abt academic theory. we're actually just using these discussions to distract from how uncomfortable we feel about our own privilege, and that makes us worse allies
like, can we just. take. one. step. at. a. time. this thread is NOT "join pbp! join labour! join cpi!" bc the thing is, im not even sure of what party suits me. every "leftist" party is problematic in some way and we all just actually need to look at the big picture
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