can we change the fact that people feel compelled to say “i identify as” when talking about their gender it’s not “i identify as ...” its “i am ...” and it’s not “my preferred pronouns are ...” its “my pronouns are ...” and it’s not someone’s “gender identity” it IS their gender.
trans and non-binary people have been compelled by society to say that it’s their “identity” because it gives cishets the ability to disrespect who they are and not abide by what they say because it’s THEIR identity and therefore they don’t have to acknowledge it if they disagree
btw this isn’t a dig at anyone who says this stuff but it’s important that people start to stay away from this way of speaking because it just gives ignorant people the opportunity to reject your wishes rather than respect them like a decent human being.
if you read this thread pls comment whst you think about this because i wanna know- i’m a cis bi girl and i think that this aspect of language and the way people are perceived and addressed is so important to get right !!
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