
I wrote a thread earlier about the Battle of Carlos Osweda, which came its conclusion on my front porch.

Just so you fully understand, I need to explain how the LA County Sheriff's Department and the LA County District Attorney's Office interpret the law.
Here's the thread on the battle.
Now, in LA County, you are basically PROHIBITED from defending yourself unless a person breaks into your house and threatens to kill you with a special weapon that the people shows you.

Here's how it works:
ANY form of arming yourself outside your home is illegal.

The cops told me that if I look outside my window and see an intruder, I must call 9/11 and stay inside.

If I go outside with a weapon, that means I'M TRYING TO PROVOKE A CONFRONTATION.
The problem is that the cops always take forever to respond.

This appears to be by design.

The ethos in California is that laws must not be enforced because they are racist.

Therefore the cops must not interfere with criminals.
People are criminals because they have no other choice, due to racism and the wealth gap, but they aren't bad people.

Those of us who want to defend ourselves and our property are bad people.

We should be willing to share.
The homeless woman who finally brought along a man to ambush me has been arrested on my property five times.

TWICE the cops took so long to get here that she got away.

By the FIFTH arrest, the cops were asking questions designed to let her off the hook.
"Did she threaten you with a specific weapon? Did she say exactly how she was going to murder you? Could you see a weapon?"

The last time I called, they let her go and told me to build a fence.

Great idea.

How do I buy fencing material WITH ALL THE STORES CLOSED?
The cops said that because of COVID-19, they were no longer arresting people for trespassing and making threats.

Perfect time to come on to someone's property and ambush him, huh?

So this is where the woman always sleeps.
There's absolutely no way to cover this place with a camera, and my yards are overrun with feral cats and possums.

The simple fact is that I have to go outside and make a final check each night.

When happened THIS time is she came before sunset and crowed like a rooster.
She's 300+ pounds, so she can't move fast.

I had to make sure she was there.

When I stepped out my back door, her buddy plowed into me from my left and knocked me down.

He was standing beside the door, which opens inward.
Totally blindsided me.

I made sure I landed on my knees and forearms.

Now, going outside with a weapon is illegal in California. Doesn't matter if someone attacks you.

It's YOUR fault, since you went outside. You WILL be charged.
This is a piece of concrete from 1913.

I have them all over my yard.

For decoration, of course.
Since the nights are chilly, I wear leather work gloves when I go outside.

Pretty sensible, eh?

I got knocked down right next to a chunk of pretty 1913 concrete decorating my garden.
The guy may have had a prison shank; I don't know.

After the chip sheared off the piece of concrete, I took off my gloves.

Can't find them. Probably the homeless couple took them.
The woman attacked me at this point, since her man was having trouble getting his dented brain to work.

All three of us fought out way down the driveway and onto the front porch, where somehow she got her meth pipe--I'm told it was a crack pipe--shoved up her nose.
Then she fell down, and somebody stamped on her face.

No idea who. It was pretty chaotic.

This is all that's left of the pipe.
For some reason they were talking to me.

I don't know why. Fighting for my life was taking up all my attention.

The guy started out by calling me a bitch.

"Yeah, bitch! That's right, bitch!" he said after he knocked me down.

Right next to a piece of concrete.
When Fatty attacked me, she said, "I'm gonna f*ckin' kill you, bitch!"

I watch a lot of videos of confrontations.

When someone's talking, they're concentrating on their words, not on their opponent.

Also, people never protect their face.

I don't get it.
Everyone on my street screams all the time, especially now that they're all cooped up together.

So nobody paid attention to the various sounds these two made until they both got quiet and shuffled away.

But I didn't go outside armed, and I didn't provoke a confrontation.
I got ambushed on my own property, because even the cops are now working hand-in-hand with the criminals.

Don't kid yourselves: Leftists want to abolish incarceration for ALL CRIMES.

Except the crime of defending yourself.
I'm not worried.

If the cops contact me, I'll refuse to cooperate.

This is a new concept for me. But I truly see California cops as my enemy.

They need to blame themselves. This is not MY doing.
THAT, kids, is California.

Guns don't mean crap.

To defend yourself, you have to go back to the caveman days.

Luckily I have an inner caveman.

Homeless, mentally ill drug addicts place no value on human lives, even their own.
That gives me a massive advantage.

And I'm willing to use it.

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