My unsolicited advice for all college students: DO YOUR CLASS/CREDITS RESEARCH before you see an advisor.

It sounds counterintuitive, and advisors do have your best interest in mind, but you're the one constantly assessing yoru own needs/wants/desires.
Once you do your reserach, ASK FOR WHAT YOU WANT.

Ask for department approval to make your class count for two (maybe even three) requirements. Ask for late enrollment into a class. Ask what it would take to earn two degrees rather than two majors.
Hell, you might discover a hidden rule or a loophole by combing through requirements and your university website.
Understandably, many students go to advisors because they *don't* know what they want or what their next steps.

You can at least maximize your gen eds. Does your religion class count toward your comms degree? Can you place out of a math class? Can sociology cover two reqs?
I earned two BA's and a minor in four years. I thought I was on a double major track, but my first college advisors misguided me... a happy accident that my phenomenal film advisor (shout out Lori Yi!) discovered.
Yes, two BA's required pricey summer classes, a month-long study abroad and a couple of 18 credit semesters.

Had I not done my research and extensive planning? That probably would've cost more money and taken more time.
This thread is also specifically for Mason students, many of whom find themselves screwed over because they were (unintentionally) ill-advised :(
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