Racial Identity Politics in America is totally, absolutely, irretrievably, a shit show. As always, they took what initially was the germ of a sound idea and perverted and twisted it into a monstrosity that has no redeeming features whatsoever.

May I dance on its grave.
For example: intersectionality. Started off as a sensible proposition.

A black woman is going to experience discrimination differently to a white woman, due to the colour of her skin. This is compounded even more if she is lesbian, and even more if she is disabled.
They then took this idea to mean that all discrimination was equal to all other but can also stack. Meaning, you can no longer tackle one form of injustice without having to attack all other forms at the same time, diluting your initial point and fractalizing your movement.
Suddenly, it wasn't enough to address women's inequality, you had to address black women's inequality, and black lesbian women's inequality, all under the same banner of women's inequality. Not realising that they are separate issues and to be combatted separately.
It becomes a race to the bottom for who is most oppressed or discriminated against and those at the lesser end of the spectrum have suddenly less validity in expressing their opinions than those at the greater end.
For instance: the male gay community. It has become commonplace to see woke SJW's dunking on "white gays" as some kind of bland milquetoast version of homosexuality who haven't really suffered any oppression and are in fact the oppressors because of their whiteness.
It is no longer enough to be gay; now one must be gay and from a ethnic minority group, preferably gender fluid, for one to be considered as truly oppressed or discriminated against and for your experiences to be considered valid.
Let me clarify:

Being gender fluid is great if that's you. Coming out when you might be from a background that doesn't accept it is hard. It's brave. But that doesn't mean the white kid who came out is any less gay than you and that you don't have common goals - gay rights.
The problem with reducing people to their skin colour is that it perpetuates the very same mistake that it intersectionality seeks to dispel:

Just like any other ethnic group, "white people" are diverse unto themselves and do not all exist equally.
When dismissing someone's experiences because they appear white, there are a number of assumptions being made:
- personal and inter generational wealth
- education
- social and economic privilege.
So when you dismiss a Bosnian individual's experience because they appear white, you ignore the entire reality of a genocide against his ethnic group.

When you calls Jews white, you erase thousands of years of lived oppression and persecution.
When you call Cubans, or Syrians, or Lebanese white, you do the same thing. Just because someone doesn't have the right skin colour, doesn't mean they can't suffer oppression.
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