Thread. Why is McCorvey still so central? It's not just her conversion story and its aftermath. McCorvey also worked closely with lawyers emphasizing a Roe reversal strategy centered on claims that abortion hurts women. /1
Some of you know Operation Outcry, which collects affidavits from women who regretted their abortions. McCorvey worked with that group after contacting attorney Harold Cassidy, a lawyer who later helped draft SD's controversial informed consent restriction. /2
McCorvey and the Doe of Doe v Bolton, Sandra Cano, became central to what is arguably the leading reversal strategy: one arguing that abortion hurts and exploits women. That is the strategy unfolding in SCOTUS now in June Medical. /3
It is striking to me how much we seem to want McCorvey to have had one, coherent view of abortion. She may have had contradictory views. She may have changed her mind multiple times. Like Roe v Wade, she became a symbol onto which we projected our own beliefs.
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