asked if she thinks covid-19 has made voters more receptive to her agenda that voters didn't embrace in the primary, Warren tells @davidaxelrod: "Yes. I think the political moment has changed.....What is an essential worker? Turns out it’s not an investment bankers... (cont.)
"It’s doctors and nurses, I get that, but it’s also ppl who mop the floors in hospitals, people who stacked the shelves in grocery stores...It’s people who put their own health at risk in order to keep life going in this country." plugs her Essential Workers Bill of Rights.
Asked abt alienating suburban voters w/ such an agenda, Warren says:
"anyone who thinks you're going to lose suburban women over making a bigger investment in childcare [plus investing in technical schools]....i don't know what alternative universe they're living in"
Asked if this also makes ppl more willing to accept M4A, Warren is not so sure
"I think ultimately getting us to a single payer, I think it's what makes sense....I think right now ppl want to see improvements in our health care systems. that means, strengthening the [ACA]" cont..
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