Malcolm X also known as El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz was born on May 19th 1925 in Omaha, Nebraska as Malcolm Little
His father was a baptist speaker who was heavily influenced by Marcus Garvey and his Pan African views.
Because of the Ku Klux Klan his family relocated to Michigan.
In Lansing, Michigan his family was threatened by a racist group.

In 1931 Malcolm‘s father died, until this day it is not clear if he was murdered by the racist but it is heavily assumed.

Later Malcolm and his siblings were separated and taken into foster care.
In school Malcolm was discouraged by his white teacher. His teacher thought that a lawyer was not a job for an African American, suggesting Malcolm Should become a carpenter.

After quitting school after year 8 Malcolm became a hustler.
He moved to New York and then back to Michigan.

In 1946 Malcolm was sentenced to 10 years in prison for burglary
( a harsher sentence than for white people at that time)
In prison Malcolm joined the Nation of Islam. The Nation of Islam is a movement which wants to improve the mental, social and economic conditions of African Americans.
At the time Malcolm joined, the NOI wanted to separate African Americans from white people.
Malcolm was made the Minister of the NOI New York Temple nr. 7 in 1954.

Malcolm rose fast in his position within the NOI, gaining jealousy from other followers of the NOI.

*NOI = Nationa of Islam
After Kennedy’s death, Malcolm spoke not in his favor, resulting in Malcolm being suspended from the NOI.

After a few incidents which led to Malcolm having differences with the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, the head of the NOI, Malcolm separated himself from the NOI.
In 1964 he pursued the pilgrimage to Mecca and visited various African countries.

After his return to the US he wanted to reconcile with other Civil rights leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr.
Before Malcolm could establish his new organization, he was assassinated, 21st February 1965.

Malcolm X was assassinated in Manhatten, New York.
Malcolm X, because of his radical and very controversial views remains relevant today.
Especially in times where the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacists such as Donald Trump gain power and Police Brutality and the war on drugs continues.
For further research I recommend ‘Malcolm X- autobiography as told to Alex Haley’ and his speeches which can be found on Spotify and you tube.
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