When I was in military intelligence, we joked about how freaked out people would be about all the things they didn’t know that were going on every day. Guess what folks? It’s the same with bacteria and viruses all around you! Every. Single. Day. you are touching & breathing them.
Our bodies get exposed to little doses of germs everyday and we have an immune system that specializes in neutralizing threats and creating immunity. Sitting home and not allowing our bodies to acclimate to the virus in minuscule doses just makes us weaker.
I’m not advocating run out and lick a shopping cart but our bodies have been training for this since humans were created. We’ve survived eating dirt pies, drinking out of a hose...there are kids who eat snot for goodness sakes. This isn’t how we overcome CoVid. #FreeAmericaNow
Our ability to fight all viruses is being weakened the longer we stay isolated and disinfected. Our economy is being weakened, bank accounts, bodies. They’ll do this until we are can’t or are too scared to fight back! NO MORE! #VoteRedToSaveAmerica #FreeAmericaNow
You can follow @Tracie0313.
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