random question thread 🤍.
quote this with your favourite meme
quote this with a meme that describes you
how old are you ?
how many kids do you want ?
what’s a weird thing you did as a kid ? do you still do it now ?
what’s a bad habit you have ?
what’s your favourite native food ?
why do you follow me ?
who is your favourite music artist ?
do you have any hobbies? if so say
do you have a phobia ?
name something weird you do
do you associate songs with people ? if so name a song and tag the person you associate it with.
where are you from country and area ?
do you take a shower in the morning, night or both ( as in twice) ?
what do you think my gov is ? if you know it don’t say it.
what would you imagine me to look like ? since ian got no media
what shoe size are you ?
what do you want to be when you’re older ?
do you believe in abortion ? why ?
do you believe in the death penalty? why ?
do you think weed should be legalised in the uk ? why ?
other than your country of orgin where would you want to be from ?
where is some where you really want to go to ?
would you be able to kill someone in order to save someone you love ? why ?
do you think fraud is a grind ? why ?
name one food you would never eat
if you got the opportunity to go to space would you go ?
do you have a guilty pleasure? if so what is it ?
what do you think is wrong with our society ?
what’s your type ? looks wise.
what’s your type ? mentality/personality wise.
@ your favourite mutual and tell them why 🥰.
what’s your favourite drink ? non alcoholic and alcoholic.
what religion are you ?
what’s your name ?
when is your birthday?
whats an instant turn off for you ?
what’s and instant turn on for you ?
what makes you different compared to other people ?
what do you bring to the table ?
what do you get complimented on a lot ?
what is your macdonalds order ?
what is your nando’s order ?
what is your bagel king/subway order ?
what is something RECKLESS you’ve done and still remember till this day ?
have you ever shot your shot ? how did it go ? (girls)
have you ever shot your shot ? did you miss did you not ? real life and on socials btw (boys)
tell us about an embarrassing moment.
most memorable funny moment in secondary/high school ?
have you ever been in a fight? if so give a little story
favourite lyric ?
have you ever been excluded ? how many times ? why ?
when do you whats kids ? and when do you want to get married? (if you want to )
what’s something people/your followers should know about you ?
boys. do you think of baby names the same way girls do ? like do you have names you like and know you wanna name your child that ?
least favourite part about twitter ?
describe your personality.
a skill you want to learn ?
a song that can lift your mood instantly ?
favourite song right now ?
do you have tattoos ? if so what ? if not do you want one ? what would you get ?
mutuals and anyone tbh what vibes do i give off just based off of my twitter ?
mutuals what do you think i’m like in real life ? as in the way i act
i’m taking a break, i might be done might come back idk but hope you enjoyed follow me 🥰.
what’s the highest you’ve been give a little story ?
what’s the drunkest you’ve been? give a little story
are you closer with your mum or your dad ?
how many siblings do you have ?
would you meet any of your mutuals ? why ? (tag them if you would )
You can follow @ysn17_.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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