Looking at corona virus numbers, you do have to wonder if the science was right. Today UK had around the same new cases as Germany, France, Spain & Italy added together, and more deaths than all those 4 too! Personally I think tougher measures would have resulted in less deaths..
But biggest question is if the government acted sooner & stopped incoming flights, restricted travel outside your own county & did testing on front-line workers sooner would death rate be lower?
Don't get me wrong they've done a great job with payments to those now on Furlough scheme, but watching news from here and UK I can't help but feel they have made monumental mistakes with lockdown restrictions and were not tough enough...
Which could mean UK will take longer to reach the same point as other countries and put more people at risk by trying to come out of this quicker than they should be for economic reasons instead of health reasons.
There is no quick fix, and science doesn't always work when there is nothing to base it on, if it goes wrong blame science, it is works then it was the right way and government get the plaudits for using it...
My biggest concern is there might be 2nd wave and it all starts again!
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