I have had my own share of mental mess. I went thru a process involving:
1) Denial (that something is wrong with me)
2) Trying fix things on my own ( with will power)
3) Ending up in the psychaitrist's cabin but refusing meds 4) One day finally waking up to the realisation that+
things have spiralled out of control the only way to regain sanity and normal life is to start taking the medicines prescribed by the psychaitrist!
In my case there was a:
1) Supportive and non-judgemental family.
2) Access to consultation and medication. +
A massive number of people do not have that kind of support and access. Some of you might be curious as to what my mental illness was. It was as simple as my brain not producing sufficient ammount of a particular neuro transmitter.
Was it a big deal? Absolutely not!! Some people have sugar imbalance, others have thyroid imbalance I and many others like me have an imbalance in some brain chemical.
No illness is good but a good things came out of my psychaitric problem. +
I have been able to successfully convince two other people undergoing terrible mental suffering to seek psychaitric intervention. Alhamdulillah their lives came back on track from a rather difficult point. Both were extremely traditional in their outlook and would not have +
consulted a psychaitrist without someone pressursing them to.
In a third case (someone extremley close) however I have not been so successful.
I have written this thread with the intention of motivating people (patients and their dear ones) to not brush the issue +
under the carpet and seek psychaitric help immediately.
Online consultaion is certainly a great convenience during the lockdown.
Its Mental Health Awareness Week from 18th to 24th May. Personally I feel that this topic has never been as pertinent+
as it is now - with the world under lockdown, lonliness, livilihoods threatened and abusive relationship getting more abusive by the day!!

Tomorrow iA I will do a thread highlighting the traditional (although educated) people's response to mental issues.
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