imo whatever was happening before Nov 8, 2016 in terms of a CI investigation of the Trump campaign most likely shifted to a covert operation after that date. It would have been crucial to keep the "Russian narrative" alive..
quote [Lisa Monaco]: "we may have crossed into a new threshold, and it is incumbent open us to take stock of that, to review, to conduct some after-action…Obama wants the report [ICA, 2017] before he leaves office Jan 20”
2. put into place new rules allowing the NSA to disseminate “raw signals intelligence information" which Director of National Intelligence James Clapper signed the on Dec. 15. Attorney General Loretta Lynch signed them on Jan. 3.
3. unmask and disseminate.
4. incorporate Steele dossier into ICA assessment.
5. start to activate against Flynn - target PEOTUS inner circle. Susan Rice doesn't disclose President Obama's intentions to put sanctions on Russia. McDonough waits until 29th December to inform Flynn.
6. how to keep it going as Jan 20, 2017 approaches.
7. withhold, unmask, and leak.
8. "we are not going gently into the night."
9. conflate and disseminate.
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