I commented on social media last night about the politics of social media, where *some* Muslim women do not give the time of day to you if you're not young and hot-right-now. There are some cut-throat representational politics here (There can be only one of us!)
In these zero-sum-game politics, there's sisters out there who are like the hungry upwardly mobile piranhas at conferences - hunting for a way up.
If you're not useful, unaffiliated with Big Names, or lack deep pockets, you can be brushed aside with a total lack of courtesy.
One wants to play the age-and-experience card to the snippy youthful arrogance, saying, sisters, we've been in the trenches before y'all were born.
We don't have to be besties but c'mon child, you aint too fancy for courtesy?
I guess it's time to be a miffed auntie now 😑😆
Let me add quickly that the solidarity among Muslim women is way powerful, and way stronger than these negative experiences.
In the words of @AQuraishiLandes
"I don't even think they stop to think who built the road. Or do they even notice there's a road under their feet in the first place?"
There are also a variety of politics among Muslim women. Some, for various reasons, will not touch issues of intra-community sexism; some of these regard Muslim feminist critiques as Dirty Laundry Airers. And some of these have been known to lash out publicly 😑
We all must choose our agendas. That's OK. And we don't have to agree.

But the contempt for women warriors who have spent their lives in the trenches in comparison to a profound regard for male Muslim colleagues ... Not pretty.
As expected, we even have women who shove each other out of positions, such as the younger woman who said I should not be doing recruitment for an org because I wasn't hijabi.

Remember the cuckoo who shoves the eggs out of the nest?
I've been sitting on these feelings about public social media posts a long time. So I had to come out and own the feelings. Despite how it positions me generationally - which *should* be a strength, but - isn't?
In the public encounters I had, they involved Extremely Famous Younger Muslim Women, who positioned themselves (on poor info) as Defending the Community from Muslim feminist writer (me).
We've BEEN here. If you've been out of the loop, we don't need to show you our track records.
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