seeing this go around the timeline so i'm gonna join the bandwagon too
1) title screen music:

i still haven't played PQ but this is always the first example that jumps out to me as title screen themes go, i always throw this on when i want to relax n vibe

piano + violin is the most versatile combination of instruments
2) opening level music:

to state just how good this song is, when i played automata i died at the very end of the prologue and had to start over from the beginning since there's no saving, and all i thought was "cool i get to listen to that song again"
3) 8-bit music:

my favorite rendition of the lavender town theme is frlg but all the versions of it go hard except the one in hgss
4) console-exclusive series:

please origami king be good :(
5) hub/overworld theme:

forgot to do this yesterday so today is a double feature sue me

all three of the overworld songs between beautiful dead/ruin/lie are awesome but the original captures the entire feeling of the series so well
6) relaxing music:

this is my favorite song from my favorite dungeon for my favorite character in persona 4 so it's a wonder how it didn't make my top 10 persona songs but that's also a testament to how good persona music is
7) indie game:

haven't played hollow knight but a song played solely on violins is one of the easiest ways to get my attention
oh just kidding there's an underlying piano too but that's only an improvement piano + violins is the best combo
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