Good. This is the 2nd deadly attack in Toronto by a self professed incel in 3 yrs. The first killed 10 people. They are pathetic terrorists who will never be men. Every last one can rot for eternity, right along with anyone who seeks to blame women or feminism for their violence.
Any killing where a victim is chosen as some sadistic effigy, for the murderer to project their anger at and further their ideology's goal = terrorism.
Remind your daughters, boys are never entitled to their affection. Make sure they know, a boy's anger at their lack of reciprocity is not a reason to reciprocate-it a reason for that boy to grow up. "I was nice to you" doesn't earn men love. Women don't exist for male consumption
My Dad used to make me feel guilty for not reciprocating romantic feelings for a male friend of mine. Told me it was "inconsiderate" to date someone when I knew how much he liked me. As if my being honest in my lack of reciprocity, & him choosing to stay friends, wasn't enough.
Men aren't infants. The opposite, which is why they don't need babying. If you are honest with someone, & they choose to "wait in the wings" regardless, their resulting emotions -- including anger, resentment & bitterness -- are not on you.
No "if only women were kinder", "if only girls gave nice guys a chance". How about if only individuals took responsibility & stopped thinking life has to be fair? No one owes you anything. Not their time, their love, their affection. Incels are the epitome of self victimization.
I used to be 220lbs. You think hot people wanted to date me? That men who buy me drinks now used to give me the time of day? Of course not. Am I crying on 4Chan? No - I fixed myself, lost the weight, got a shrink, & maintained what I always knew- I was never entitled to affection
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