I always wondered why mega rich assholes seem hell bent on just aquring more and more wealth when they could live a thousand years of insane luxury with the wealth they already have...
I think ive figured it out today: You just get to a point where all your earthly pleasures are satisfied, and saturated women,food,alcohol,drugs,yes men,yes yes women, people who grovel to you,more women,more drugs,things,cars,boats etc etc
When you have "everything" and can literally buy all the earthly pleasures you desire ,what you have left in this world is just to aquire more money.

If all you seek is earthly pleasure, you will eventually reach the top (or the bottom)

And where do you go from there?
You dont go anywhere.Youre just stuck..
Im stuck too though, but im stuck on a different path.
Dont get me wrong , i like earthly pleasures too.

I can relate to many of them you see, cause i am just human, but i will never get stuck in them for i know there is more to this life and the next.

I can relate to many things regarding human weakness.

Not evil tho.

Ive said before that i would storm the gates of hell alone if God asked me to do it.

Its not about being brave or tough or whatever , its just if you dont trust God then what else can you put your trust in?

What is greater than God?
Who other than God,s will is worthy of your service?

Who is like God?

I keep coming back to this..
idk, i dont really like preaching or judging individual humans .

I just want to end evil.
My thought to typing connection is a bit off today.

Meaning what i type dont fully reflect what i am thinking , so

Ill get back on this some other time.
Fck spellcheck tho , im never using that crap.
I need some sleep.

What i meant was just sometimes you see something and you can relate that to so many other things and it just became clearer today.
Unlike this thread...


Sleep. I need.

Cause my sleep is always so pleasant..
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