Information is overrated. Principles are underrated. Inspiration is overrated. Discipline is underrated. Opinion is overrated. Wisdom is underrated. Empathy is overrated. Compassion is underrated. Sentiment is overrated. Action is underrated. Spend energy on what matters more.
None of these things are “bad”. I think a very simplistic view of the world as made up of simply “good” or “bad” things can lead to flawed decision making. But many times we put too much energy on “good” things and not enough on “better” things.
Information is great, but without foundational principles, we will be unable to metabolize all the information coming at us nonstop. What should be beneficial becomes harmful. Yet we spend a lot of time taking in information and not enough time studying foundational principles.
Inspiration is great but without discipline, it becomes a crutch, and makes us dependent on external energy to move. Discipline is having internal control so your life’s results are not solely based on external factors or the encouragement of others.
Having an opinion and hearing the opinion of others can a good thing, but without the wisdom to evaluate opinions, it will be difficult to find what's true, what's beneficial, and what's applicable to our context. If we do not evaluate correctly we will be misled.
Empathy, the understanding and sharing of the feeling of others, is great thing. But compassion, the taking on of the situatuins and suffering of others on ourselves, is another level. It isn't simply validating the feeling of another. It is addressing another's pain.
Very similarly, sentiment, having an opinion on and a feeling for an issue can be a good thing. But without action, which is effective activity beyond words, we end up fooling ourselves, thinking that having the "right" sentiment menas we are part of those who actually do work.
Suggestions to focus on "better" things:
1. Less social media. More classical reading.
2. Less hero worship. More personal accountability.
3. Less commenting. More contributing.
4. Less extrenal validation. More internal organization.
5. Less of what's next. More of the timeless.
You can follow @davidbonifacio.
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