The Plan to Depopulate the Earth?

Near Earth Objects are a hot topic. And way back in 1997 there was an obscure website named: . For some this name may ring bells and for others it may sound familiar.  website had very interesting article, webpage regarding asteroids/NEOs. This website has (recently) removed all content from it's site. Luckily this webpage can still be viewed in the famous internet WayBackMachine. Wayback Machine: 
It was published in 1997 when internet didn't had Google, Facebook, Instagram, Tweeter and other social media. Web pages often looked very simple and basic compared to websites these days. The info that was published is somewhat disturbing and perhaps too far etched for some.
It goes into the realms of the notorious 'conspiracy theories.' It sure did sparked some curiosity into the subject of NEO's and planet Earth. According to the article named The Plan on , so called 'Aryan astronomers' are searching space for a NEO that can
be used for a plan. A sinister plan, depending on point of view of course. If you think this planet is full of humans and they should be removed from the surface of Earth,  the The Plan may be a very good solution. If you one of the humans that will be removed by The Plan,
As you read this, the American public and peoples of the world are being "educated" about asteroids/meteors/comets, and the deleterious effects they can have on the Earth and "life" here.
The fringe loonies are being filled with stories of "Planet X", Nibiru, the "dark star" &/or "Wormwood" on its way to collide with Earth. Various movies, "Armageddon", "Deep Impact", books "Lucifer's Hammer", etc., are made specifically so human minds can "imagine" the scenario.
The "fatima" prophecies given to the popes from some illiterate girls who had a vision, caused the catholic church to build a huge telescope down in Chile to watch for the planetoid on its way in.
As you read this, aryan astronomers are desperately searching the skies and locating any potential comets, meteors or asteroid candidates, not too big, not too small for the proposed massive depopulation plan. The object that hits will have been "tipped" in to collision course.
The aryans who do it try to claim it was an "accident". History, i.e. primitive survivors sitting around campfires, telling the story, will say it was an act of god. Due to overpopulation pressure the "aryans" HAD a plan to massively depopulate the planet. -
Screen image from the  web page on the WayBack Machine.
H.A.M.M.E.R. (Hypervelocity Asteroid Mitigation Mission for Emergency Response) is an interesting name. Thor has a hammer. Mc Hammer said 'you can't touch this'. And Vishnu has a sword?
"O Vishnu ! in the form of the fierce Kalki! For the destruction of the wicked, You carry a comet like sword in hand, trailing a train of disaster to them. Hail Hari! Lord of the universe!"
"Sosiosh, will be brought down on a Horse in a "tornado of fire."
"And I saw heaven open and behold a white horse, and he that sat upon him.... is called the Word of God... amid flaming fire (thunder and lightning)."- Revelation 19, 11
And what about a Pale Horse? We wonder what William Cooper would have to say about The Plan? Behold, a Pale Horse. Author: Cooper, William.  This whole story in short: President Trump has a new project to counter attack a meteor.
The name of the project is H.A.M.M.E.R. Hypervelocity Asteroid Mitigation Mission for Emergency Response. If you against this plan you can wear a banner on your clothes or on your website saying:

Stop. H.A.M.M.E.R. Time.
"In year that Saturn & Mars are equally fiery, air is very dry, a long comet.  From hidden fires a great place burns with heat, little rain, a hot wind, wars and raids."

New Telescope Will Scan for Asteroids on Collision Course with Earth - 6.30.2018 - 
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