There's no political movement, u already know the only revolutionary action demands throwing your life away in peak fedposting, en masse, which no one's willing to do while the future holds so much promise, which is what u do believe, despite the "blackpill", or it would be done.
You can escape the modern world, you can reverse the damages of society; it just demands the strength to turn your back on society - but NOT your family. A beautiful wife in a more-than-comfortable ranchhouse, with many children, homeschooled, even: surrounded by the likeminded.
There's nothing more u need to hear, nothing to learn, the program lies in front of you. If u don't have the means to exit to the country, if u don't have the charm to obtain a good wife, if u don't have the virtue to be a patriarch of a family & member of a community - build it.
When you're ready to begin a household, the challenge that lies in front of you is the same as all men that ever came before you, it's cliche but it's also that simple. It's fatherhood. It's raising your children with virtue, away from society's ills, bad influences. That's all.
I must stress. A revolutionary alternative does exist, but no one here will talk about it, no one will push for it; vague moves towards political action u see here are feints or fantasy, distract from fact u only have option to save ur own life or sacrifice it. Nothing inbetween.
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